facts about camel for kids

facts about camel for kids

 There are two kinds of camels: One bumped or "dromedary" camels and two bumped Bactrian camels. 

Camel, Desert, Namib Desert, Blue Skies

Camels have three arrangements of eyelids and two columns of eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes. 

Camels have thick lips that let them search for prickly plants different creatures can't eat. 

Camels can totally close their noses during dust storms. 

Egypt, Sahara, Desert, Dry, Camels

Because of thick stack of skin on their chest and knees, camels can easily sit in hot sand. 

There are two sorts of camels: One bumped or "dromedary" camels and two bumped Bactrian camels. 

Camels have three arrangements of eyelids and two lines of eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes. 

Camels have thick lips which let them rummage for prickly plants different creatures can't eat. 

Camels can totally close their noses during dust storms. 

On account of thick stack of skin on their chest and knees, camels can serenely sit in hot sand. 

Mother camels convey their calves as long as 14 months prior to conceiving an offspring. 

A few calves are brought into the world totally white and turn earthy colored as their grown-up coat comes in. 

There are more than 160 words for camel in Arabic alone.

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