facts about china that will blow your mind
1. In the last decade, China's economic growth has been 7 times more than the US.
2. 85% of the world's artificial Christmas tree and 80 percent of toys are made in China.
3. Chinese people smoke 50,000 cigarettes every second.
4. Around the world, where eggs are boiled in water, the eggs are boiled in the urine of boys in China.
5. The oldest piece of paper in the world is found in China, which dates back to the second century BC. This piece of paper is very strong and is sometimes used in making clothes.
6. Silk fabrics have been made in China since 3000 BC. The Romans knew China by the name 'Saarika' which means 'country of silk'. Chinese had hidden the idea of making silk cloth from silkworms. If anyone was caught trying to convey this idea to another country, he would be killed.
7. Due to China's 'one-child' policy, the number of girls has come down drastically. The count of boys in China is more than 20 million than girls, so in the future, many young people will not be able to find a wife for themselves.
8. In China, 4 million cats are eaten every year in the name of delicious food.
9. The world's largest shopping mall is in China. But by 2005 it was 99 percent empty.
10. The population of cities of China in 2030 will be more than the population of America, the world's third-largest population.
11. Christianity is born in Italy. Even then, 40 million Christians live in China and only 4 crores 74 lakh in Italy.
12. Rich people in China can send Zell to others in exchange.
13. Most twins are born in China.
14. If we consider both China and the rest of the world separately, then the death penalty is given to people in China alone more than 3 times as many people who are given the death penalty in the rest of the world.
15. There are so many incidents of suicide in China that you can also get a job to get a dead body out of the river.
16. Chinese language Chinese mandarin is the only spoken language in the world. English is on the second number and our Hindi on the third.
17. In 2008, China became the third country to successfully send a man into space. First sent by Russia and later by America. On September 27, 2008, Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese astronaut to walk in space.
18. The wall of China is the largest human-made thing that can be seen even from space. Its length is 8,848 km.
19. Every fifth person in the world is Chinese.
20. Toilet paper was discovered in 1300 AD in China. But this was only for the royal family.
21. Paper, compass (gunpowder), gunpowder, and printing press were discovered in China.
22. Chinese have discovered kites 3000 years ago. He also used kites to scare the enemy in battle and also for entertainment.
23. Despite such an expansion before the East of China, it is also the same time as India. China has +5: 00 and India has +5: 30.
24. Many historians believe that football was discovered in China in 1000 BC.
25. The favorite hobby of most people in China is to do Tikte Ikkathi.
26. In 103 AD, an astronomer and scholar named Jen Heig discovered an instrument that could measure earthworms.
27. Chinese people discovered dishes like ice cream and noodles.
28. Su Song, a Chinese government employee, first manufactured a mechanical watch from 1088 to 1092. It also explained the position of the stars over time.
29. In China, natural gas was used as a source of heat even four centuries before Christ.
30. Even before the second century before Christ, the Chinese knew that the blood kept circling throughout our body. While in Europe it was not known until the 17th century. This cycle was discovered by William Harvey (1578–1657) in Europe.
31. Arrow command was also first used in China.
32. In the city of Shanghai, China, it is illegal to own a red car.
33. In China, Facebook and Twitter have been banned since 2009.