Hi i am subah And in this video we're going to talk about how to get rid of "junk" accumulated inside your body In other words, cleaning your body With this, you will automatically lose weight. will clear your skin, increase your energy And much more mental clarity Before we go any further, Let's explain what happens to your food when it enters your body. As you know, first it goes to your stomach, where it is broken into smaller pieces and goes to your gut. And then it is finally excreted in the form of feces. But do you think that all food does it take the same time to complete this cycle? Of course not Fruits are digested and excreted in around 3 hours an hour on your stomach one in the small intestine And an hour in the large intestine, Vegetables take a little longer around 6 hours What about grains? Which basically includes wheat, rice, lentils, beans Any idea? They take 18 hours to digest and eliminate Of course these numbers are estimated to give you an idea But basically, when less water in food the harder it will be for the body to digest Grains take 18 hours inside your body and most people eat grain 3 or 4 times a day That is, even before the last meal is digested we put more food inside and naturally the last meal is not digested properly It does not come out of our body through feces It decomposes, ferments and rots inside it makes mold, virus, fungus grow in the intestines Have you ever heard those horrible lonely stories found in people's intestines? Of course people didn't eat the worm So how does it show up there? Through the rotting of poorly digested food stuck in the intestine You may have heard: "You are what you eat" TRUTH But more importantly, you are what you ATE That hamburger you ate a year ago maybe it's still in there Things like bread, cheese, chips snacks crackers tea coffee fast food sugar almost anything that doesn't come straight from Mother Nature it is extremely difficult to digest and eliminate They stick to the walls of the intestines and forms a thick wall This is what our gut looks like They have millions of little fingers called intestinal villi When we eat these unnatural dead foods Residues from these foods stick to the intestines Over the years, the waste forms a thick layer in the walls of the intestines The villi absorb everything that stops there and passes everything into the bloodstream this way the waste reaches all the cells of our body now imagine If dead and rotten food is stuck in our intestines then automatically this is what villi absorb and transport for each cell Naturally these residues cover our organs keep them from working what we call diseases If it affects the layers of our skin, we call it acne dermatitis psoriasis If it forms a kidney stone or gallbladder we call it "stone" What about being overweight? if you want to lose weight You need to lose this "junk" If this accumulates in your ovaries, it's called a cyst. and leads to problems like polycystic ovaries, irregular menstruation. If it gets lodged in your bowel, it leads to constipation and constipation is the "mother" of all diseases. If the waste goes to the airways bringing difficulties to breathe we call it asthma If this creates plaque in the walls of our arteries we call cholesterol Today, maybe this seems like a small problem. but if we don't clean it tomorrow the same "garbage" will become much worse like a tumor or cancer cells If we remove this "junk", these toxins illnesses are automatically cured. NO DISEASE CAN SURVIVE IN AN INTERNALLY CLEAN BODY if we are not healthy If we are overweight or constantly taking medication or having to go to the doctor constantly so we are not experiencing life fully Our body is a precious gift that Mother Nature has given us We will soon return it to her. for as long as we have it's our job to keep it clean full of energy and health just the way Mother Nature wanted it to be. If you put diesel in a gasoline car it won't work to make it work again first you need to remove all diesel so, put the gas the same with our body Our body was made for this: But we accidentally feed on this: No wonder it doesn't work right So step 1 is to remove the bad stuff the trash" And step 2 is to eat the right food Ayurveda says: "if your food is wrong remedies will not work. if your food is right medicines are not needed." In this video we will explain Step 1 in the next we'll talk about Step 2 Please watch the video until the end so you don't miss anything I will share with you exactly what it takes The first thing you need to start doing is Intermediate fast Look The "healing power" that will remove